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Delta Mode

by 도른자(spinor) 2023. 3. 6.

Keithely는 delta mode를 처음으로 개발하였으며, 이는 전압, 저항에 대한 low noise measurements를 Model 2182 Nanovoltmeter와 triggerable external current source로 진행하기 위함이었다.

필수적으로, delta mode는 자동저으로 current source의 signal polarity를 alternate 하게 끔 만들며, 이로 인해 nanovoltmeter는 각 polarity를 읽게된다. 이 전류 반전 기술은 constant thermoelectric offsests을 사라지게끔 하며, 결과가 오로지 전압에 의한 것임을 확신시킨다.

이 기술은 모델 시리즈 622X와 모델 2182A의 delta mode에 incorporated 됐다. 하지만 이 implmentation은 급격하게 향상됐고 단순화됐다.

해당 기술은 이제 drift over time에 대한 thermoelectric offsets을 cancel 시킬 수 있고 produce results in half the time of the previous technique, and allow the source to control and configure the nanovoltmeter, so setting up the measurement takes just two key presses. 이 향상된 cancellation과 더 높은 reading rate는 measurement noise는 1nV까지 감소시킨다.


Delta mode는 낮은 값의 전압과 저항을 정확하게 측정하게끔 해준다. 622X 시리즈와 2182A 모델이 적절하게 연결되다면, 유저는 단순히 커런트 소스의 델타 버튼과 트리거 버튼을 누름으로써 테스트를 시작할 수 있다. 622X 시리즈와 2182A 모델은 틈새 없이 함께 작동하며 GPIB interface를 통해 조절된다. 622X 시리즈를 위한 무료 시험 컨트롤 소프트웨어에는 includes a tutorial that “walks” users through the delta mode setup process. Pulsed Tests Even small amounts of heat introduced by the measurement process itself can raise the DUT’s temperature, skewing test results or even destroying the device. The Model 6221’s pulse measurement capability minimizes the amount of power dissipated into a DUT by offering maximum flexibility when making pulsed measurements, allowing users to program the optimal pulse current amplitude, pulse interval, pulse width, and other pulse parameters. The Model 6221 makes short pulses (and reductions in heat dissipation) possible with microsecond rise times on all ranges. The Model 6221/2182A combination synchronizes the pulse and measurement—a measurement can begin as soon as 16µs after the Model 6221 applies the pulse. The entire pulse, including a complete nanovolt measurement, can be as short as 50µs. Line synchronization between the Model 6221 and Model 2182A eliminates power line related noise.



In low noise measurements, the delta mode is a technique used to measure small changes in a signal by subtracting a baseline signal from a measurement signal. This technique is particularly useful when the baseline signal is much larger than the signal of interest, as it allows for the accurate measurement of small changes in the presence of large noise sources.

In the delta mode, the baseline signal is typically acquired first, and then the measurement signal is acquired while the signal source is subjected to some perturbation or stimulus. The two signals are then subtracted from each other, leaving only the difference between them. This difference signal is typically much smaller than the original signals, making it easier to measure with higher accuracy.

The delta mode is often used in applications such as electromyography, where small electrical signals from muscles must be measured against a much larger baseline signal. It can also be used in other types of low noise measurements, such as in semiconductor testing, where small changes in voltage or current must be measured against a large noise background.


Delta mode is a technique used in low noise measurements to eliminate or reduce the effects of external noise sources on the measurement signal. In delta mode, two measurements are taken: one with the signal source active and another with the signal source inactive or disconnected. The difference between these two measurements is then taken, and this difference signal is used for the final measurement.

The idea behind delta mode is that any external noise sources that are common to both measurements (i.e., that affect both the active and inactive measurements equally) will be cancelled out in the difference signal. This is because the noise will appear as a common-mode signal that is present in both measurements, and taking the difference will remove this common-mode component, leaving only the difference in the signal due to the active source.

Delta mode can be particularly useful in low noise measurements where the signal of interest is small and the noise level is high. By cancelling out common-mode noise sources, the effective noise level of the measurement can be reduced, allowing for more accurate and precise measurements.


Delta mode is a technique used in low noise measurements to reduce the impact of noise and drift in the measurement setup. In delta mode, instead of measuring the absolute value of the signal, the difference between two consecutive measurements is measured. This method can effectively cancel out any common-mode noise that affects both measurements, such as temperature drift or power supply noise.

In other words, delta mode is a differential measurement technique that measures the difference between two signals. This technique is commonly used in low noise applications such as precision instrumentation, audio engineering, and biomedical research where accurate measurement of small signals is critical. By measuring the difference between two signals, any noise that is common to both signals is effectively canceled out, resulting in a more accurate measurement.


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